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tv   CBS 5 Eyewitness News at 5PM  CBS  January 21, 2013 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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settle century long debates about the role of government for all time, but it does require it in our time. >> after the ceremony the president turned to take one last look. later he signed documents nominating his cabinet leaders. harry reid toasted the president. the president thanked all in attendance. >> i recognize that democracy is not always easy. i recognize there are profound differences in this room. but i just want to say thank you for your service >> they concluded with a one may have mile parade to the white house. the president and first lady walked a portion of the route. tonight they will attend two inaugural balls. >> reporter: one of those balls is of course this one. we are looking forward to hearing from them. a historic day and this capping it off. liz. >> i me it is difficult to hear
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me. clearly the star of the show was the president and family. but there were several super stars there. kellie clarkson and of course beyonce. can you give me a gist of what that added to the day. >> reporter: there was definitely some umph and star power. we have talked about the possibility of this inauguration not being as energetic not being like 2009. that definitely added to it. that is alicia keys and katie perry will be out here as well. >> cbs evening news with scott belly coming up at 5:00 of. christin will be back at 6:00. er to big sherry tonight, an epidemic of football fever in the bay area. >> the 49ers are going to the soup bowl. >> the 49ers in a huge win in the nfc championship over atlanta. a nail-bight come from behind
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win against the falcons. >> we're going to the super bowl, baby. >> that was a collective celebrator holiday seasony. the 49ers overcame a 17 point deficit to win. the team arrived home just before midnight, fueled all the way across country by the excitement of the win and the dreams of a 6th super bowl championship. every corner of the bay area is red and gold gear. sports stores are selling hats, jerseys and anything with the 49ers logo. fans just can't get enough. >> i am buying the shirt, the hat. this shirt was a little soiled so getting a new one. i have five or six jerseys. very pleased. >> this sports authority manager said everything from nfc championship is a hit but the jerseys are the big seller. it is a tale of two brothers in the upcoming super
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bowl jim harbaugh going up against his older brother john. sports director dennis o'donnell taking a look at the sibling rivalry. this is the ultimate. >> this is actually brother act ii. the first came in the regular season last year dominated by john's ravens 16-6. jim raven 16-6. what you will find in the next two weeks is that jim is more colorful than john and neither wants to talk about it. >> we have to prepare, no matter what relationship you have with somebody on the opposed side you're trying to beat them. that will be my approach. >> can we forget about that stuff. we did that last year. it got old last year right. >> every moment that you're talking about myself or john, that's less time that the players are going to be talked about. >> we had a few drinks.
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we had a few fights. we had a few arguments like all brothers. we were trying to stay out of that business. we will let the two teams duke it out. >> we haven't spoken. couple texts. can't imagine it will be much more. pretty busy getting ready. >> how reluctant is the 49ers on the stop. in his mind this is low hanging fruit and this is not a time to peel back the onion. >> harder on his parents. >> yeah. >> somebody's got to win. one of the kids has to win that game. as the san francisco 49ers look to play their final season in candle stick park, their new stadium is looking to become the center of the bay area sports june verse. >> the story of how that came to be starts with letter written 10 years ago on a behalf of a city that dares to
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dream big. len ramirez has more. len. >> the bars on broadway will always be full of the 49ers faith 68. but if the red and bold win their sixth super bowl the lombardy trophy will come home. >> it is a new age now. brand new in santa clara. >> santa clara is the 49ers future in everything except the name and a possible victory parade. >> we will let the police take care of it and we will have a beer with them. >> that is quite all right with the former santa clara councilman. it was moore who wrote the letter dr. john york inviting him to consider santa clara as
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the new 49ers stadium. >> you and i were standening out there when you asked me the question do i think it is going to be bit. now i can answer that question. i think it will be built. >> previous icons was an amusement park. >> santa clara will always be a small town. we thought big. >> they may not have the bridge but it is a well run city. everyone in the companies will benefit from the team being solidly in the south state. >> a few blocks away from the new stadium. i keep joking that with will be we will be way closer. you can come in after games. >> this stadium has only been under construction for about nine months. the advertised opening kickoff
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is in 2014. len ramirez, cbs 5. >> coverage includes sports director dennis o'donnell. joined by my sell griego and mike sugerman. 7,235. how you can get to the super bowl. meteorologist paul deanno talks about the surf being so high, coming up. the bay area is full of die hard 9ers fans.
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how are you celebrating getting ready for the big super bowl share them with us on facebook also. heather shared this photo with us. her family all ticket out in 9ers gear. looking good.
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robbers. an elderly couple on estates drive was hit this morning just a checking bay area headlines. targets of armed foam envision robbers. elderly couple hit this morning just after 6:00. police say three to five armed men forced their way in and took a computer and jewelry. less than an hour later a second home was hit by the same group. a woman there was punched. so far no arrest. another gun buy back vent today became a give back. the buyback a week ago was so popular every penny of the 43,000 dollars fund was depleted. nay decided to go ahead with
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the gun collection event asking residents to turn the guns in without payment. and many did. the 49ers play the ravens. there may be more red. 38% more flights are booking from san francisco torment flights running about $1,200 round trip. the travel itself for downtown started about $500 per night. best way to get to new orleans in time. >> mike shogger men tells us it is not easy or cheap but there are options. mike. >> reporter: 500 bucks for a room. that is cheaper than i found. if you are going to the super bowl and you don't have accommodations you could be riding with me. >> what can i do for you? >> can you get me to the super bowl. >> thousands of 49er fans, that question they will be asking
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the next couple weeks. >> it is closer to downtown. $1,800 a night. >> a night? >> yes. >> to get a package deal, you pay $800 for a best western. >> 7,235. >> with that you do get a ticket to the game but not the $1,100 round trip air fare ticket. >> it is almost impossible. camping out is probably the best thing to do. >> a 31-foot steam motor home. >> at camping world they can put you in one of these babies for super bowl week. he is not sold out. >> here we go.
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sliding out, huh? >> the slide out helps accommodate six people on the road to the super bowl. >> $1,800 for a week p. >> and then the $200 gasoline fill up. you will need at least 10 of those. that's $2,000. 4 grand before you're out the door. maybe you can rent some of the car space to those looking for a place to crash. >> maybe you can jump in a car and, i don't know, sleep in camp sites along the way. of course it is about 40 don't road to the super bowl mike shogger man, cbs 5. san francisco -- sugerman, cbs 5. 49ers number six. we're going to get it.
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harbaughs and harbaugh.
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chopper five was over the cliff house near ocean beach where a man is the surfer caught on the rocks facing a hard choice. chopper5 over the cliff near ocean beach where a man was stranded with only his surf board and a difficult decision.
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should he climb up or jump back into a churning ocean. the surfer admit he was out of his elements. >> very dangerous. he told us he saw the rocks as his only hope. >> i was close enough to the rocks i figured i would get thrown up on it once or twice and climb up and just hang out there until help came. >> he ended up jumping off the rocks toward some paddle borders who came to help and got him safely back to shore. paul deanno is near ocean beach. waves calm do you want all? >> reporter: goodening to you. it has been a -- good evening. tell you what, this ridge of high pressure has the really caused the swells to increase. anybody who has been out in the water can tell you it has been rough. it is exciting for some but dangerous for that one gentleman today. the surf thankfully began to calm down as the pattern
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overall will change. rip current risk will decrease as soon as tonight as the winds change. the rip current risk will go down. winds are shifting so that surf is also not going to be as rough. this is indicative of a larger overall pattern change. currently 60 for san jose. san francisco 62. concord and livermore 55 d. a couple hours north we may see showers moving in sons this time tomorrow. -- as soon as this time tomorrow. tonight, another chilly night. concord down to 33. frosty in spots again tonight. santa rosa will drop below freezing. san francisco, pacific, mid 40s. satellite and radar regime, there are things changing. just off to the west is the
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next weather maker moving n. ridge of high pressure slides off to the east. we have one more sunny day and that is it. then the pattern will change. a wackiest moving in on wednesday. that is -- a weak cold front moving in on wednesday. sunny, mild. perhaps the mildest day tomorrow. then we will be cooler with showers. mainly cloudy on w. high temperatures tomorrow. -- wednesday. high temperatures tomorrow. san mateo 65. dublin 63. alameda 64ful sunshine and 63 degrees in san francisco. your extended forecast, showers on wednesday. coupledegrees cooler. dry thursday, friday and saturday before showers move back in sunday and monday. winds currently out of the north and northeastern.
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as those winds shift more south, that is when the shift will calm down and when the rain will begin falling down. meteorologist paul deanno. back to you. san francisco fans have gathered outside the unfinished stadium just looking to be near anything 49ers. ken bastida are where the faithful are still celebrate. >> reporter: hi elizabeth. if you didn't think there was a serious case of 49er fever going on all over the bay area, consider the fact that -- let me show you the video -- ated to's news conference, look at all the cameras. normally about a half dozen cameras inside the newsroom there. about 20, 25 cameras. people from all over. some of this is really expected because you have a situation where the 49ers have not been in the super bowl since 1994.
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now, outside there were a lot of people standing around, even though there were no players at the stadiumed to or anywhere near the offices. i spoke to one guy who showed me a photo from 1982. he swears he was at the victory celebration then. >> how do you know that's you? >> i'm there. that's me for sure. >> that's you? >> that's me. >> how do you know? >> people at the liquor store said here you are. i was a construction worker at the time. they were, you're on the front page. i didn't even know it. i signed a copy and put it in front of tear store, too. >> you have been walking around with this picture of you for how long now? >> i just bring it down. it is in my room all the time. >> means a lot to you? >> it does. >> what is this in the other
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hand. >> this is a team helmet. this is this year's team. >> unbelievable. yeah, hey elizabeth, we will zoom in on the stadium. it is dusk but they are still working on it here at martin luther king holiday. that's how busy they are. they are putting the seats in up on. the-- top. maybe it will say instead of future home of the san plan 49ers in a couple weeks it will say future home of the situation-time world champion super bowl champion 49ers. >> absolutely. another championship. thank you, ken. coming up, we will break down your chances for getting that highly coveted super bowl ticket. up next.
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look at you guys with your fancy-schmancy u-verse high speed internet. you know, in my day you couldn't just start streaming six ways to sunday. you'd get knocked off. and sometimes, it took a minute to download a song. that's sixty seconds, for crying out loud. we know how long a minute is! sitting, waiting for an album to download. i still have back problems. you're only 14 and a half. he doesn't have back problems. you kids have got it too good if you ask me. [ male announcer ] now u-verse high speed internet has more speed options, reliability and ways to connect. rethink possible. for super bowl 47... think expensive... the lowest price for a ticket is abo cbs 5 consumer if you are thinking about getting a ticket for super bowl 74, think expensively
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>> about $2,000 online is the lowest price. julie watts breaks down who is getting those tickets and the cost. >> reporter: they are not cheap. the 9ers won't be selling their lot of tickets to the general public. season ticket holders are automatically entered for the right to buy one. winners announced tomorrow. while 29ers won't say how many tickets they will raffle off, odds are there won't be a lot. the capacity is a little over 76,000. 9ers get about 17.5 of those seats. that is about 13,000 seats to be split. the good news is many will sell their tickets along with other teams in the nfl leaving plenty of opportunities for us, but they don't come cheap. >> how much would you shell out for a seat at the super bowl. >> probably a few hundred dollars >> the most would be $200. >> you may have to pay a bit more.
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the good muse is -- news is there are plenty available on websites. stub hub has tickets a little over 2 grand. prime sport is the 49ers' official travel partner for the big game. it is not the only game in town. at costco there are tickets. packages 12 to 15,000. there is really no club card discount here. if you are look for a deal, entire beware. whether the super bowl or world series, scalpers are often selling scams. always ask to see the ticket before you buy and check the security features on the back. like this holiday season gram on the top and this heat sensitive star on the bottom that disappears when you rub it. for many come february 3rd, the best seat in the house won't cost. >> i would rather watch it at home because you can get a
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better picture. >> reputable ticket agencies will offer guarantees. scalpers have ways of manipulating search results to make you think they are legit. >> thank you, julie. worth noting here, more than a dozen cities have had multiple sports championships in a single year. sense the super bowl era, baltimore in 70. pittsburgh in '79. '86, boston 2004. pretty elite company if everything goes according to 49ers plans.
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so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month actually... eddie continues singing: two tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo! you know ronny, folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? happier than eddie money running a travel agency. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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[ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ]
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making room - for a mess. how a proposed new neighborhood could here is what we are working on for the 6:0 0 news. critics say it is making room for a mess. how it could cause a traffic nightmare for thousands of bay area driver. a trip of a lifetime for bay area 8th graders. how students in a rough neighborhood got to witness history, president obama's inauguration. that at 6:00. thank you for watching. the cbs evening news with scott pelly is next. >> in 30 minutes. term begins for the 44th president. >> i, barack hussein obama, do solemnly swear....
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>> pelley: the inaugural ceremonies and celebrations from bob schieffer and nancy cordes major garrett on the inaugural address and the challenges ahead. >> for now decisions are upon us and we cannot afford delay. >> pelley: mark phillips on the terror attack in algeria. three americans are among the dead. and byron pitts with an historic first the inaugural parade. >> we're like heartbeat of america, we're native americans. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news"ng new with scott pelley reporting tonight from washington. >> pelley: good evening. president obama sought to turn the page today from the issues of economic crisis and war that dominated his first inaugural address to a new agenda for arst inaugu second term. addres he took his theme from the the preamble to the constitution: we, the people.y to and he said our journey to democracy is not complete. the president called on the


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